Stop Sending Boring Emails!

Turn Your Inbox Into a Cash Machine.

Ready to ditch those snooze-worthy newsletters and build a loyal following that actually clicks "buy"?

Get ready for email marketing that makes you money.

We've all been there. Generic subject lines, uninspired content, and emails that disappear into the abyss, never to be seen again. Meanwhile, you're scratching your head, wondering why email marketing isn't the magic money-maker everyone promises.

Meet your email marketing squad! We believe emails should be as engaging as your brand, packed with value, and tailored to convert subscribers into raving fans.

You’re going to wish we started this sooner

Why We Love Email Marketing:

  • Serious ROI: Consistently delivers the highest return on investment of any marketing channel.

  • Loyal Customers = More Profit: Turn one-time buyers into repeat customers who spend more.

  • Own Your Audience: Don't rely solely on those fickle social media algorithms. Your email list is your most valuable asset.

  • We're Obsessed: Crafting high-converting email sequences that turn subscribers into devoted customers is one of our favourite ways to capitalise on your marketing efforts.

Our Email Marketing Superpowers

  • Nurture Sequences That Feel Like a Warm Hug: Welcome new subscribers, share valuable insights, and build trust with automated flows that effortlessly guide them towards a purchase.

  • Abandoned Cart Rescues: Don't let those almost-sales slip away! We'll design strategic abandoned cart emails that win back hesitant shoppers and boost your bottom line.

  • Sales EDMs That Sell (Without Being Slimy): Think of these as mini-parties in your inbox! We'll craft engaging sales emails that excite subscribers and have them reaching for their wallets.

Your Email Options:

Nurture Sequences

Transform new subscribers into loyal fans with our expertly crafted welcome sequences. We'll design a series of 5 engaging emails that build trust, showcase your brand's value, and subtly guide leads towards their first purchase.


$500 +GST

Abandoned Cart Recovery

Win back hesitant shoppers with our strategic abandoned cart email series. Our 3-email sequence includes a mix of gentle reminders, helpful nudges, and enticing offers to maximise cart recovery and boost your revenue.


$300 +GST

Monthly EDM Magic

Keep subscribers engaged and drive consistent sales with our monthly EDM package. We'll craft 4 compelling emails each month, packed with valuable content, exclusive offers, and strategic calls to action that convert.

Monthly Investment:

$350 +GST

Ready to transform your email list into a loyal fan base that actually opens (and buys from!) your emails?

Why Trust Us?

We're not just pretty faces (though we do scrub up nicely). We're strategic masterminds with a passion for seeing impact-driven brands thrive. Consider us your marketing fairy godmothers, minus the poofy dresses and with a healthy dose of real-world savvy.

We know that running a purpose-driven business is a beautiful, chaotic ride. We understand the unique challenges and joys you face, and our strategies are designed with your mission in mind. Our expertise is rooted in both a deep understanding of marketing principles and 6 years of experience.

And most importantly, we put people first, always.

With a sociological approach to marketing, we create strategies that tap into the thoughts, feelings and emotions of your audience to build the know, like, and trust factor needed for any successful business.

Putting people first, also means we put you first. We create a strategy we truly believe that not only will you be able to confidently implement, but will allow you and your business to thrive.

We want to see you win.

You’re in great company.

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